Read This Contract ( RTC)


Example 1 Captain V


As you can see the Nft is worth 25 Ethereum, and it adds a bonus of +20% extra farm to the holder.

For this to have effect the holder must hold the NFT and provide liquidity in the AMM of SwapShip.finance.

The holder of the NFT creates a Bonus wallet and deposits the NFT with the bonus plus his desired funds to provide liquidity.

The bonus wallet will redirect all incoming funds to the Pool.

So you can get the same rewards as if you were doing it alone. Now you can rent this bonus out to anyone and earn income or a cut of the Bonus of the other participants.

Map of Bonus wallet:

Combos from RTC.



PSD metal, combining 5 gives a prize and additional secret rewards.

With the Combo Wallet you will be able to combine forces with others in one wallet! And totally trust-less, for un-looking this cane of bonus sets.

Another Combo set from RTC.

"What would you do with all 6 of the Infinity Tokens?

Each owner of this NFT will be able to choose any of the colorways present in the gift to be printed into a 1 of 1 piece of merch, for free! We will even cover shipping.

Purchasing this NFT will grant you $100 worth of liquidity in whichever RTC ecosystem token you desire ($SWSH, $RTC, $LIQLO, $SPECTRE, $PSD, or $PSHP). These tokens will be locked by Slump once all of the Captain V's Gauntlet NFTs have been purchased."

When the locking period is complete, holders of the Collection earn a secret reward…

Get together this NFT will receive the original amount locked on behalf of the purchaser (the purchaser may or may not be the holder at this time, i.e. if you sell this NFT to someone else). This means that your $100 reward will be wrapped with $100 of my ETH and locked for a period, at the end of which the NFT holder will receive the half of the LP token which is composed of the RTC ecosystem token - regardless of its market value at the time.

Each address may only redeem one of this NFT. Any additional purchased Gauntlets will only have value if sold to another address.

You can earn this NFT by completing all 6 of the full set bonuses for all of the Metal NFTs (details in the descriptions of each Metal NFT).

One (1) of a set of five (5) pieces of Captain V's gear.

This is just the beginning of NFT - SET`s for bonus.

Last updated