The Problem & Solution

In this section we will cover problems we currently face as a community and explain our proposed solution for each one of the problems.

  1. Problem: The use cases of NFTs are still few and for the most part ,undiscovered. As these new use cases are revealed, they will need corresponding infrastructure to happen.

  2. solution: Developing some of this infrastructure.

  1. Problem: Trust and Security

  2. Solution: To provide a trustless infrastructure for NFT interactions while expanding the potential of NFTs. Trust and Security are our main focuses. The conditions which generate trust are architecturally programmed and eliminate human adjustment or interference.

  1. Problem: Access barrier to create and interact with NFTs

  2. Solution: Make it accessible for anyone, enabling them to earn passive income proportionate to their participation and also collecting NFTs. Provide a platform to create and interact with NFT seamlessly. Provide a bridge of trust for NFT certifications/validations

  3. Proof of Legitimacy as a service.

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